Chief Wawanosh and the Treaty of 1827

by Jean Turnbull Elford (1982)   Beginning with British rule in the northern part of this continent, land was acquired from the Indians as it was needed for new settlers. Because of legislation passed in 1763, no Indian band forfeited their land without their own and the Crown’s consent. The Indians [...]

2016-02-01T21:15:34-05:00February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Chief Wawanosh and the Treaty of 1827

Point Edward 1679-1981

by Jean Turnbull Elford in Canada West’s Last Frontier (1982) Point Edward, Lambton’s largest incorporated village, placed where Lake Huron empties into the River St. Clair, made its way into recorded history earlier than any other part of Lambton. The first written account comes from the pen of Father Hennepin [...]

2015-09-03T17:24:21-04:00September 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Point Edward 1679-1981

Lawrence Family Links Sarnia and Toronto

By Phil Egan - Special for the Sarnia Jouranl, Then and Now. Sarnians who drive along Lawrence Avenue or visit the Lawrence Park neighbourhood in Toronto likely never make the connection with the Lawrence House on Christina Street, or the Lawrence Lumber yards that once sat at the foot of [...]

2015-08-29T19:31:43-04:00August 29th, 2015|Comments Off on Lawrence Family Links Sarnia and Toronto

Recording the Rich First Nations Heritage

Recording the Rich First Nations Heritage by Scott Stephenson for the Sarnia Observer (2003) European settlers documented their important events, but native communities have traditionally relied on elders to pass down an oral history of the culture to younger generations. Concerned that the early history of the Chippewa communities is [...]

2019-02-25T11:17:27-05:00May 31st, 2015|Comments Off on Recording the Rich First Nations Heritage


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