Point Edward 1679-1981

by Jean Turnbull Elford in Canada West’s Last Frontier (1982) Point Edward, Lambton’s largest incorporated village, placed where Lake Huron empties into the River St. Clair, made its way into recorded history earlier than any other part of Lambton. The first written account comes from the pen of Father Hennepin [...]

2015-09-03T17:24:21-04:00September 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on Point Edward 1679-1981

The Grand Trunk Railway

by Jean Turnbull Elford writing in Upper Canada’s Last Frontier (1982) The opening of a line between Port Huron and Chicago in 1879 brought a great increase in traffic to both the Great Western and the Grand Trunk. Three years later, the two lines amalgamated under the Grand Trunk name [...]

2022-06-15T21:44:44-04:00August 13th, 2015|Comments Off on The Grand Trunk Railway

Creation of Petrosar Fueled Building Boom

by Scott Stephenson for the Sarnia Observer (2003) The last big construction boom in the Chemical Valley occurred almost 30 years ago [Editor’s Note-story written in 2003], fueled by the creation of Petrosar. As the country moved out of the 1960s and into the 1970s, Sarnia’s petrochemical industry was ailing. [...]

2015-08-23T01:34:22-04:00June 22nd, 2015|Comments Off on Creation of Petrosar Fueled Building Boom


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