On Thursday March 26 we attended our first Lambton County Historical Society Meeting, held at the United Church in Oil Springs.  It was the Annual General Meeting and we were welcomed by the outgoing President, Muriel Wright. The meeting began with a Potluck dinner and a chance to socialize with the group.  Ron and Phil both met Bob McCarthy, local author and historian, and had a chance to talk to him about his latest book, Case 666The Elizabeth Workman Story.

When dinner was over and the plates cleared away, the mayor of Oil Springs welcomed the group and discussed briefly some of the upcoming events for the 150th anniversary of Oil Springs. Then the AGM officially began.  The yearly reports were recorded for the various outgoing committees: Membership, Constitution and Policy, Book and Publishing, Public Relations, Bursary and Special Events.  The Secretary and Treasurer also presented their reports to the group.  The second half of the meeting was spent discussing nominations for incoming committee members.  Phil put forward Laura’s name for the Book and Publishing Committee and the nomination was accepted by the full membership.

There was much heated debate throughout the meeting about the process to be followed in amending the Constitution and also whether any sections of the constitution should be amended.  In the end the group decided that any suggested amendments to the constitution be submitted to the entire membership at the next meeting for debate, and that a vote take place no earlier than 30 days following this submission.  Phil, Ron and Laura were all a bit taken aback by the raucous nature of the debate.

At the end of the meeting the new LCHS President, Ron Urry, called for any new business and local member Gord Perry spent several minutes discussing the history of the Church where we were meeting and giving more details about the upcoming events to commemorate Oil Springs’ 150 year history.  We all agreed that this was by far the most interesting part of the meeting, and we all look forward to learning more about the county’s history.

